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Thank you for sharing CIC 2.0. We are so honored that you are with us and even more blessed that you appreciate the program, coaching and community enough to want to invite others into the fold. 


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  2. Click the asset link to connect to the file library and download your asset.^
    ^The share function is not working. Please download and share manually.

  3. Copy the provided Content and/or write your own. Copy and paste the Hashtags

  4. Share the asset(s) to your chosen network with the provided content (instructions are included where applicable).

  5. Copy the Link provided and paste it in as a the first comment on your post.

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Single Post Options

Series Post Options

Banner Options

  • Fall Scenes*

    • Lost Universe

    • Sky of the Mind

    • Book of Dreams

    • The Way

*Coming soon.



All of the suggested content is noted with blue-green headers. Feel free to pick and chose what works best for you and the content.

Base Content:(CTRL+V to copy)

The Calliope Inner Circle 2.0 

Tuesday Evenings Online 

Sept. 17—Dec. 10, 2024 

7:00 to 10:00pm MDT 

The Calliope Inner Circle. 2.0  

+ Tailored coaching for polishing your project  

+ Essential empowerment for maximized performance  

+ Painless platform design for real impact  

+ Results-focused community support  

+ Create and maintain custom writing habits that work for you  

Engage in a game-changing 12-week marathon to land chill-factor punches, dismantle productivity barriers, and discover painless author platform growth. 

Base Close(s):(CTRL+V to copy)

The sky isn't even the limit.

Unleash Your Natural Genius.

Base Tags:(CTRL+V to copy)

#CalliopeWritingCoach #9R #CIC2dot0 #PU8Y  

#BigCalliopeMagic #ReadyToWriteNow  

#writinginspiration #writers #amwriting #writingtips 

All Links:(CTRL+V to copy) 

CIC2-Fall-Scenes-Facebook-9-lost universe-extraordinary.png


  • SQUARE (instagram**,  linkedIn)

  • TALL (instagram reels)

  • WIDE (instagram story, facebook or linkedin)

    • imagine not strategize​

    • extraordinary not ordinary

    • sharing not advertising

Fall Scenes—Single posts

Lost Universe

Content:(CTRL+V to copy)

We think who we are is not enough, or way too much. So we hide—behind masks, walls and marketing.  


Secretly, we long to be seen for who we truly are. 


The irony is seeing and being our unique self is everything that is missing—for us—and the greater world. 

Hashtags:(CTRL+V to copy)

#CalliopeWritingCoach #9R #CIC2dot0 #PU8Y  

#BigCalliopeMagic #ReadyToWriteNow  

#writinginspiration #writers #amwriting #writingtips 

#LookInNotOut #NoOneLikeYou 

Link in the comments:(CTRL+V to copy)

CIC2-Fall-Scenes-Facebook-5-sky of the mind-being.png
CIC2-Fall-Scenes-Facebook-4-sky of the mind-attract.png


  • SQUARE (instagram**,  linkedIn)

  • TALL (instagram reels)

  • WIDE (instagram story, facebook or linkedin)

    • being not doing

    • attract not chase

    • co-create not compete

Sky of the Mind

Content:(CTRL+V to copy)

We're so busy chasing the life we want, meanwhile we're missing the life we have. Our dreams don't happen in the past we regret—or the future we desire. 


The life we imagine is never created out there—in the future. 


Your dreams are happening right here, right now.  

Hashtags:(CTRL+V to copy)

#CalliopeWritingCoach #9R #CIC2dot0 #PU8Y  

#BigCalliopeMagic #ReadyToWriteNow  

#writinginspiration #writers #amwriting #writingtips 

#LookInNotOut #EternalNow

Link in the comments:(CTRL+V to copy)

CIC2-Fall-Scenes-Facebook-1-nook of dreams-breakthrough.png
CIC2-Fall-Scenes-Facebook-2-book of dream-create.png


  • SQUARE (instagram**,  linkedIn)

  • TALL (instagram reels)

  • WIDE (instagram story, facebook or linkedin)

    • breakthrough not blocked

    • create not formula

    • cutting edge not cliche 

Book of Dreams

Content:(CTRL+V to copy)

Is being blocked so common that writers get to claim ownership over it? Seems like it. ;) Its more than the journey to tell your story—it's the journey itself. 


The blocks are everywhere. 


What if the blocks are there because you're looking in the wrong place? One thing we know about flow is we have to go with it.  

Hashtags:(CTRL+V to copy)

#CalliopeWritingCoach #9R #CIC2dot0 #PU8Y  

#BigCalliopeMagic #ReadyToWriteNow  

#writinginspiration #writers #amwriting #writingtips 

#LookInNotOut #Flow 

Link in the comments:(CTRL+V to copy)

CIC2-Fall-Scenes-Facebook-11-the way-clarity.png
CIC2-Fall-Scenes-Facebook-10-the way-lead.png


  • SQUARE (instagram**,  linkedIn)

  • TALL (instagram reels)

  • WIDE (instagram story, facebook or linkedin)

    • clarity not confusion

    • lead not follow

    • look in not look out

The Way

Content:(CTRL+V to copy)

It takes something to chase the dream of writer. Most of never dare. Many more are stopped along the way. It's confusing out there. 


Yet, all roads lead to the same place—not the answer. 


The problem is, most online offers aren't engineered to help you—they're meant to hook you.  


Like a fish. 

Hashtags:(CTRL+V to copy)

#CalliopeWritingCoach #9R #CIC2dot0 #PU8Y  

#BigCalliopeMagic #ReadyToWriteNow  

#writinginspiration #writers #amwriting #writingtips 
#LookInNotOut #TheChase 

Link in the comments:(CTRL+V to copy)


  • SQUARE (instagram**,  linkedIn)

  • WIDE (instagram story,  linkedIn, facebook)

    • dream not found

    • success not found

    • confidence not found

    • happiness not found

    • trust not found

    • community not found

**can be posted in 3 or 6 series

Error 404—Single Posts

Hashtags all posts:(CTRL+V to copy)

#CalliopeWritingCoach #9R #CIC2dot0 #PU8Y  

#BigCalliopeMagic #ReadyToWriteNow #LookInNotOut  

#writinginspiration #writers #amwriting #writingtips

Link in the comments:(CTRL+V to copy)

Error 404-1-Error 404-dream.png

Dream Not Found

Content:(CTRL+V to copy)

You think you're getting one thing . . .
But you're really getting another. 

Hashtags add:(CTRL+V to copy)

#Error404  #OhHey 

Error 404-3-Error 404-success.png

Success Not Found

Content:(CTRL+V to copy)

You want whatever is missing . . . 
But you don't know what's missing. 

Hashtags add:(CTRL+V to copy)

#Error404 #HaveIBeenHereBefore   

Error 404-4-Error 404-confidence.png

Confidence Not Found

Content:(CTRL+V to copy)

You want to share your work . . . 
But you don't want to share yourself. 

Hashtags add:(CTRL+V to copy)

#Error404 #CringeShrink 

Error 404-SQ-2-Error 404-happiness.png

Happiness Not Found

Content:(CTRL+V to copy)

You tell yourself, Someday I'll have the life I imagine . . .   

But you don't know how to get there. 

Hashtags add:(CTRL+V to copy)

#Error404 #WhereIsIt 

Error 404-SQ-5-Error 404-trust.png

Trust Not Found

Content:(CTRL+V to copy)

What if, you share who you are and what you care about . . . 
And no one cares. What if they reject you? 

Hashtags add:(CTRL+V to copy)

#Error404 #WhosThere 

Error 404-SQ-6-Error 404-community.png

Community Not Found

Content:(CTRL+V to copy)

You don't want to be alone . . .  

But you can't find your place.  

Hashtags add:(CTRL+V to copy)

#Error404 #NoWelcomePackThen 


Error 404—Scene (blank)

Content is the same as the labeled 404 tiles. See hash tags for 404 label. Also, feel free to use your own conent.

Hashtags all posts:(CTRL+V to copy)

#CalliopeWritingCoach #9R #CIC2dot0 #PU8Y  

#BigCalliopeMagic #ReadyToWriteNow #LookInNotOut  

#writinginspiration #writers #amwriting #writingtips

Link in the comments:(CTRL+V to copy)


  • SQUARE (instagram**,  linkedIn)

    • dream not found

    • success not found

    • confidence not found

    • happiness not found

    • trust not found

    • community not found

***mix and match with 404 single posts to create unique scenes.



  • TALL (instagram reels)

  • SQUARE (instagram**,  linkedIn)

  • WIDE (instagram story,  linkedIn, facebook)

    • can you hear me now

    • congested signal

    • no signal

    • looking for the one

Searching for Signal (short video)

Hashtags all posts:(CTRL+V to copy)

#CalliopeWritingCoach #9R #CIC2dot0 #PU8Y  

#BigCalliopeMagic #ReadyToWriteNow #LookInNotOut  

#writinginspiration #writers #amwriting #writingtips

Link in the comments:(CTRL+V to copy)

can you hear me now?

Content:(CTRL+V to copy)

If only I had more money, I would . . . 

What would you do with unlimited money? 


What if money is not REALLY the thing in your way?

Hashtags add:(CTRL+V to copy)

#SearchingforSignal #CanYouHearMeNow 


congested signal

Content:(CTRL+V to copy)

If I just knew the right people, I would . . . 

What would you do with the best connections? 


Whatever you think is in the way—of anything you can imagine—is not what is really in the way. 

Hashtags add:(CTRL+V to copy)

#SearchingforSignal #CongestedSignal 


no signal

Content:(CTRL+V to copy)

If only I had more time, I would . . . 

What would you do with unlimited time? 


What if time is not REALLY the thing in your way? 

Hashtags add:(CTRL+V to copy)

#SearchingforSignal #NoSignal 


looking for the one

Content:(CTRL+V to copy)

If I could get one lucky break, I would . . . 

What would you do if you got your big break? 


Whatever you think is in the way—of anything you can imagine—is not what is really in the way. 

Hashtags add:(CTRL+V to copy)

#SearchingforSignal #LookingfortheOne 


Fall Scenes—series posts

These posts contain alternate stories for each scene.

Hashtags all posts:(CTRL+V to copy)

#CalliopeWritingCoach #9R #CIC2dot0 #PU8Y  

#BigCalliopeMagic #ReadyToWriteNow #LookInNotOut  

#writinginspiration #writers #amwriting #writingtips


Lost Universe

Content:(CTRL+V to copy)

If you want to turn your dream into your reality, there is only one thing to discover—who you really are. 


We think who we are is not enough, 
or way too much. 
So we hide— behind masks, walls and marketing. 
Secretly, we long to be seen for who we truly are. 


As writers, we don’t like to think about advertising ourselves. It’s outside our comfort zone—it feels icky. The old world of marketing is all about the hook. Everyone knows about the hook, even the writing world uses the term. 
But if you think about it, getting hooked is not a pleasant experience. Especially when you’re looking for real solutions. 

Hashtags:(CTRL+V to copy)

#CalliopeWritingCoach #9R #CIC2dot0 #PU8Y  

#BigCalliopeMagic #ReadyToWriteNow  

#writinginspiration #writers #amwriting #writingtips 

#LookInNotOut #NoOneLikeYou 

Link in the comments:(CTRL+V to copy)

Sky of the Mind

Content:(CTRL+V to copy)

Healthy competition is at the core of who we are. 

Or competition is anyway—the healthy part is entirely optional. Winning is all that is required. 

In the experience of win at any cost, we risk compromising who we are. 


If you lose yourself, are you really winning? And while we might excel, individually, in the experience of competition—We excel, collectively, in cooperation. 


We will always accomplish more coming together, than we ever will fighting to best each other. 

Hashtags:(CTRL+V to copy)

#CalliopeWritingCoach #9R #CIC2dot0 #PU8Y  

#BigCalliopeMagic #ReadyToWriteNow  

#writinginspiration #writers #amwriting #writingtips 

#LookInNotOut #EternalNow

Link in the comments:(CTRL+V to copy)



Book of Dreams

Content:(CTRL+V to copy)

Is there a formula for success?  
A one-size fits all for writers to write, publish and successfully sell their work? Lord knows, we're all looking for one.  


When you look out, all you see is what's been done before. 

Nothing is ever new under the sun. 


What is outside of all of the equations is you. 

Your unique voice. 

Hashtags:(CTRL+V to copy)

#CalliopeWritingCoach #9R #CIC2dot0 #PU8Y  

#BigCalliopeMagic #ReadyToWriteNow  

#writinginspiration #writers #amwriting #writingtips 

#LookInNotOut #Flow 

Link in the comments:(CTRL+V to copy)


The Way

Link in the comments:(CTRL+V to copy)


Angie Fenimore is the Albert Einstein of writing coaches.

@AllisonHMerrill #Memoir #UpmarketFiction 
Award-winning and Wall Street Journal Best-selling Author 


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