How would you like to build a brand and grow a committed audience naturally aligned with your interests—while contributing to the people, communities and causes that matter most to you?
Welcome to Grassroots. I call it a co-creation agency, but it's as much a movement. A community-based call to action that each one one of us to dare to dream the life and future we want, and step into it. It's a safe space, a comfortable and welcoming expanse, where you feel free to create from your heart. To fully lean into who you are. Nothing holding you back.
My personal experience of the yellow brick road has been less than sunny. Its hard not to be stopped by everything I don't have, everything in my way and the ever present fear that I'm simply not good enough. But what if the obstacles and gaps went away? What if we operated from an abundance mindset—embracing innovation and collaboration.
#9R is the space to imagine any future + create it as a reality utilizing the skills, reach + resources of the whole.
In the spirit of random Kelly Clarkson mentions, the 9R455R0075 #9R model was created in the experience of following Kelly's rise on American Idol. As a part of her online fan base, I envisioned the phenomena of fan-driven artist promotion, combined with the ability of the internet to unite and organize us, and create the next big thing. There is infinite power where people join together in pursuit of a common goal. Overtime, I realized the same ideas applied to cause activism, social issues, even emergency response. Properly harnessed, we wield the power to create a transformed world.
I imagine projects and partnerships that celebrate and leverage the power of community, authentic sharing and collaboration. Join me in creating a shift in the paradigm of what it is to be successful. Whether you have an idea in mind or you're interested in participating, I'd love to hear from you.
Within the space of community everything possible.
To sign-up, share who you are + what you are up to, along with your assets, gaps, inspirations and causes.
Let the Match-Making Begin! >>
@9R455R0075 #9R #5PC3 9R455R0075.COM